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Acting workshop in english

Duration: three days

Acting Workshop in English

Duration: three days

Acting Workshop in english

Session structure

  • Warm-up
  • Creativity and authenticity exercises
  • Emotional commitment and shifting


The scope of these sessions is to provide a safe space for you to get in touch with yourself. That is the key to accessing the immense world you hold inside to create the most impactful characters and performances.

We will use exercises from psychology, meditation practices, and different acting methods and teachers, including Meisner, Method, and improvisation.

I will guide you through each exercise and help you work the muscles to get in touch with your emotions and listen to your gut.

Everyone’s body and brain respond differently; it is fundamental that you know what works for you and what doesn’t.

Know yourself better to build the tools to create characters and work on your craft with openness and vulnerability. You might be surprised with what you’re capable of.


Italian has always been my first language but English has always been in my heart; books, films, YouTube videos, and music, a lot were consumed in English growing up. Just because it felt like it was opening my world up to so much more than what I saw in school and around me. A lot (if not most) of the success that I’m having in this industry is thanks to the use I made of this language. While Italian cinema history is widely known and it is still a reputation I would like to carry on and contribute to, hence knowing how to convey it in the international language it’s crucial. Mastering acting in English not only enhances individual career prospects but also contributes to the cultural exchange, artistic innovation, and global visibility of the Italian entertainment industry.

The Whale





All levels of acting experience are welcome.


Thursday May 2nd: from 18:30 to 21:30

Friday May 3rd: from 18:30 to 21:30

Saturday May 4th: from 15:00 to 18:00


La Bottega dell'Attore
Via dei Volsci, 3
ROMA / Quartiere San Lorenzo

Price (Promo)



What’sApp: +81 7043531510
RSVP Form:


Michelle Mugnai is an Actress, Producer, and Intimacy Coordinator based in Tokyo, Japan

With the last two successful shows “The Whale” in July 2023, and “Hamlet” in February 2024, with Sheepdog Theatre, she has been working closely with actors focusing on bringing out impactful performances while caring for their mental and physical well-being. Her focus remains on making the actors feel safe and understanding how to get them to use their vulnerability to transform their craft. She has also worked as Associate Producer on NYU graduate student Xavier Griffiths’ short and is currently cast in the short film series production of “The Season of You and Me”. Her love and hard work she pours into both theatre and film is how she wants to remain a versatile artist.

Dove siamo

Via dei Volsci, 3
00185 Roma RM

+39 347 452 2827


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